Dr. Tetiana Belimova
Ukraine Fellow

Dr. Tetiana Belimova
Ukraine Fellow

Tetiana Belimova was a Ukraine Fellow with RECET in 2022.

Tetiana Belimova is a literature researcher at the Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the NASU. She worked as an associate professor at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2018 – 2022). She became a lecturer of the state project “Reading as a cultural phenomenon” of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine (2019-2020). Also became an expert on Ukrainian literature in the “New Library of Sophia-Wisdom” project, a joint action of the Open Orthodox University of Saint Sophia-Wisdom, the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolicy and Freedom of Conscience, and the National Reserve “Sofia of Kyiv” (2020 – 2021). Tetiana Belimova is the Ukrainian writer; she has literary awards from the International Literary Competition of novels, plays, film scripts, song lyrics and works for children “Coronation of Words” (2013, 2014, 2021).

Research interests:

  • Memory studies
  • Comparative studies
  • Modern Ukrainian literature
  • Historical contexts in Ukrainian literature centuryare reflected as collective memory

Current Research Project:

“Five "Rooms" of modern Ukrainian literature: War memory”

In the project it is planned to investigate the archival structure formed by the collective memory of Ukrainians, which correlates with the cultural codes reproduced in artistic texts. The works of Olena Zakharchenko “#Vertep. The novel about Maidan”, Serhiy Loika's “Airport”, Serhiy Zhadan's “Boarding”, Tamara Gorikha Zernya's “Daughter”, as well as the newest poetry of Ihor Astapenko, Lyudmila Horova, Tetiana Vlasova, Anna Maligon. The subject of studies is the analysis of transformation and manifestation of individual traumatic experience, which correlates with the collective memory of Ukrainians.

The purpose of “Five “Rooms” of Modern Ukrainian Literature: Memory of the War” is to analyze the textual structure of selected novels and poetic works in view of the correlation with the collective memory of Ukrainians, formed during 2014 – 2022. The study should have five parts (five rooms), each of which will be devoted to the analysis of a specific work of art using the memory studies methodology, except for the last section. In the fifth chapter (fifth room), I plan to explore the work of four poets, which represents the signs of collective memory, manifested in modern poetry.


Selected Publications:


Belimova T. (2015) Proza ukrayins`kogo modernizmu 20-x rr. XX st.: Navchal`ny`j posibny`k [Prose of Ukrainian modernism of the 20s of the 20th century: Study guide]. Kyiv: Universytet «Ukraina», 160 р.


Belimova T. (2022) Pam'yat` pro II svitovu viynu v romanax Keit Atkinson [Memory of the II World War in the novels of Kate Atkinson]. Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe. Tom 4. Vypusk 1, pp. 56–64.

Belimova T. (2022) Cooking album as a “memory box” in “Five quarters of orange” novel by Joanne Harris. Astrea ISSUE 4 (1). URL: https://astraea-journal.org/index.php/journal

Belimova T. (2021) Mnozhynna interpretaciya pam'yati yak sposib konstruyuvannya tekstu (roman Kejt Atkinson «Zhyttya za zhyttyam») [Multiple interpretations of memory as a way of constructing a text (Kate Atkinson's novel Life after Life)]. Aktual`ni problemy filologiyi ta perekladoznavstva. Vypusk 21, tom 2. Xmel`nycz`kyiy, pp. 12-16

Belimova T. (2021) Zhinochi social`ni roli v paradygmi kul`turnoyi pam'yati [Women's social roles in the paradigm of cultural memory]. Kremenecz`ki korporatyvni studiyi: [naukovyi chasopys / red.: D. Chyk, O. Pasichnyk]. Vypusk XI. Kremenecz`, pp. 7-16.

Belimova T. (2021) «Places of remembrance» in «A God in ruins» novel by Kate Atkinson. Astrea ISSUE 2 (1). URL: http://journals.hnpu.edu.ua/index.php/astraea/issue/view/262