Dr. Ingeborg Jandl-Konrad
Associated Researcher

Dr. Ingeborg Jandl-Konrad
Associated Researcher

Ingeborg Jandl-Konrad was an Associated Researcher with RECET in 2022-2023.

Research Interests:

  • Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian Literature, Russian Literature
  • Post-memory: Family Narratives, War and Transformation
  • Perception and Emotion: from an interdisciplinary perspective (Natural Sciences, Psychology, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis)
  • Intermediality: Photography and Literature
  • Verse theory, Poetry and Spoken Word
  • Literature/Culture and Ethics

Current research project:

„Photography and Trauma in Post-Yugoslav Literatures“

Ingeborg Jandl is a Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate (“Universitätsassistentin”) for South Slavic Literatures and Cultures at the Department of Slavonic Studies at the University of Vienna. She is writing her third book (habilitation) about trauma narratives and photography in contemporary Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian literature. Ingeborg completed her dissertation on perception and emotion in the works of the Russian émigré author Gajto Gazdanov at the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Graz, where she worked as a research and teaching associate for Russian Literature and Culture. For this project she won the DOC fellowship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) and the dissertation award by the Austrian Society for Slavistics (ÖGSl). Ingeborg’s research focusses on South Slavic, Russian and comparative literature. Her research interests include interdisciplinarity with psychology and natural sciences, intermediality, narratology, verse theory, as well as literature/culture and ethics. Ingeborg graduated in Russian and French Philology, Psychology and Philosophy, pursuing these subjects in Graz, Odessa, Moscow and Sarajevo.

Selected publications:

Textimmanente Wahrnehmung bei Gajto Gazdanov. Sinne und Emotion als motivische und strukturelle Schnittstelle zwischen Subjekt und Weltbild. Frankfurt am Main (et al.): Peter Lang, 2019.

Rhythmik und Lautstrukturen in Marina Cvetaevas Versdramen Ariadna und Fedra. Hamburg: Kovač, 2013.

Further information:

