Tracing European Freedom of Movement in National Labor Markets

Extraordinary venue: BIG-Hörsaal, Main Building of the University of Vienna, Tiefparterre, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna

In the European Economic Community, the "free movement of workers" drew national labour markets together to an unprecedented degree. Moreover, member states agreed to lower barriers to migration during a period when they were also reinforcing national social welfare behind the border. This seminar will examine how governments, social actors, multilateral institutions, and NGOs worked to bridge the goals of broad regional mobility and deep social protection as free movement was implemented in the 1960s. It is based on early research from the ERC Starting Grant InternalFortress: Regulating European Freedom of Movement within the Nation-State, 1950-1980.

Madeleine Dungy is an Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She works on the history of international organizations, with a particular focus on trade and migration. She is the principal investigator of InternalFortress and is the author of Order and Rivalry: Rewriting the Rules of International Trade after the First World War (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

Registration is only necessary for those participants who wish to join via ZOOM broadcast.
