Dr. habil. Tetiana Bogdan
Ukraine Fellow

Dr. habil. Tetiana Bogdan
Ukraine Fellow

Tetiana Bogdan was a Ukraine Fellow with RECET in 2022 and in 2024.

Tetiana Bogdan is a Senior Researcher at the Academy of Financial Management by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and Scientific Director of the NGO “Growford Institute” (Kyiv). Before she worked for several international projects supported by the German Federal Government, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the EU’s FP7 and Tacis Programmes, the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and others.

Research interests:

  • Public finance and fiscal policy
  • Cross-border capital flows and migration flows
  • External economic vulnerability issues.

Current research project with RECET:

Return of Refugees and Employment Creation in a Post-War Reconstruction: Lessons for Ukraine from Balkan Experience”.

The purpose of the project is to develop a balanced package of measures for encouraging returns of Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons since the end of Russian-Ukrainian war and launching their income-generating activities in Ukraine as a constituent of a post-war reconstruction program.

In order to achieve this purpose the following tasks will be solved: (i) identification of the scale of problem of outward migration for Ukraine since the outbreak of Russian-Ukrainian war and assessment of the potential for return migration in a post-war period; (ii) studying the past policy responses to the problems of huge migrations and high unemployment in the war-torn economies by international institutions, governments of home and host countries for refugees; (iii) design of recommendations for the program of Ukraine’s reconstruction tackling the humanitarian problems of returning migrants, their reintegration and productive employment in the post-war economy.


Tetiana Bogdan is the author of 2 individual monographs and chief editor of 2 collective monographs devoted to international finance and national public finance issues. She published over 130 articles in Ukrainian scientific journals and 10 articles in international journals, of which the most recent are:

Bogdan T., Lomakovych V. (2021), “Transforming Public Finances under the Impact of COVID-19”, Public and Municipal Finance, Vol. 10, 2021, Issue №1, pp. 67-81. - dx.doi.org/10.21511/pmf.10(1).2021.06

Bogdan T., Lomakovych V. (2021), “Financialization of the Global Economy: Macroeconomic Implications and Policy Challenges for Ukraine”, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Vol. 18 ,2021, Issue #1, pp. 151-164. - http://dx.doi.org/ 10.21511/imfi.18(1).2021.13

Bogdan, T. (2020), “Debt-Creating Capital Flows and Shock Spillovers in an Emerging Economy (Ukraine’s Example)”, Journal of European Economy, Vol. 19, No 1 (72), January-March 2020, pp. 114-139. - http://jeej.tneu.edu.ua/index.php/enjee/article/view/1415/0

Bogdan, T. (2016), “Determinants of Capital Flows to Emerging Market Economy: A Case of Ukraine”, Transformations in Business & Economics, Vol. 15, No 1, pp.127-146.