piotr.filipkowski(at)univie.ac.at |
Piotr Filipkowski, PhD, sociologist, oral historian, researcher (postdoc) at the IOG, University of Vienna, within the RECET settled project titled: Transformations from Below. Shipyards and Labor Relations in the Uljanik (Croatia) and Gdynia (Poland) Shipyards since the 1980s (for details see project website: http://www.transformations-from-below.eu/); assistant professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. His main research interest concern theoretical and methodological problems of historical (social, cultural, economic, political…) changes of the last decades seen “from below”, that is from the perspective of “ordinary people”. Methods of oral history and biographical sociology are of primary importance in this approach, but they are embedded in broader theoretical questions and also confronted with other methodologies, research styles and academic discourses. Historization of Central and Eastern European transformation(s) is understood here as not merely empirical – but also, if not primarily – methodological and theoretical challenge, that requires transgressing traditional historiographical workshop founded on (archival) source criticism principle.
Selected publications:
Historia Mówiona i Wojna. Doświadczenie obozu koncentracyjnego w perspektywie narracji biograficznych (Oral History and the War. Concentration camp experience in biographical-narrative perspective), Wrocław 2010 [English edition forthcoming].
Archiwizacja, reanaliza, rewizyta. O nowych pojęciach i nowych podejściach w badaniach jakościowych [Archiving, Re-analyzing, Re-visiting. On new concepts and new research approaches in qualitative research], „Kultura i Społeczeństwo”, 3/2015.