Prof. Dr. Marta Bucholc
Board Member

Prof. Dr. Marta Bucholc
Board Member

Scientific Advisory Board Member, RECET
Professor, University of Warsaw

Marta Bucholc is professor of sociology at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw, and associate researcher at the Centre de recherche en science politique, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles. From 2015 through 2020 she was research professor at Käte Hamburger Centre for Advanced Studies „Law as Culture“, University of Bonn. She was visiting scholar at the universities of Jena, Cambridge, Graz and Saint-Louis Bruxelles, as well as Bronisław Geremek Fellow of the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna. Her research focus is sociology of law and historical sociology. She is the PI in a research project “National habitus formation and the process of civilization in Poland after 1989: a figurational approach” funded by Polish National Science Centre, and the Polish PI in the Volkswagen Foundation project "Towards Illiberal Constitutionalism in East Central Europe: Historical Analysis in Comparative and Transnational Perspectives”. Her research project “Using Human Rights to Change Abortion Law: Involvement Patterns and Argumentative Architectures in the Global Figuration of Human Rights (Abortion Figurations)” was retained for funding under ERC Consolidator 2021 program.

Recent publications:

Abortion Law and Human Rights in Poland: The Closing of the Jurisprudential Horizon. Hague J Rule Law (2022).

The Anti-LGBTIQ Campaign in Poland: The Established, the Outsiders, and the Legal Performance of Exclusion. Law & Policy, 44 (1) 2022: 4– 22.

Schengen and the Rosary. Catholic religion and the postcolonial syndrome in Polish national habitus, Historical Social Research 45 (1) 2020: 153-181.