Firuze Taner, M.A.

Firuze Taner, M.A.

Firuze holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from Boğaziçi University, Istanbul and a Master’s degree in Sociology from Free University of Berlin. Her Master’s thesis investigated the advocacy for (de)familial family policies by political parties across Europe from a long-term perspective. Firuze is a doctoral researcher in the doc.funds project “The Dynamics of Change and Logics of Transformation: State, Society, and Economy at Critical Junctures” and will be working on the subproject “A New Great Transformation? East-Central European Capitalism after the Great Financial Crisis” with Dorothee Bohle.

Research Interests

  • Comparative Welfare States
  • Gendered Welfare
  • Party Politics
  • Computational Social Sciences


“The Politics of Gender and Family: Comparative Perspectives on Welfare State Transformation” (working title)

The dissertation project explores the interaction between political competition and economic forces, which influence the development of social investment policies, specifically family policies, across welfare states. Focusing on the “politics of new welfare,” the research aims to shed light on the conditions and ways through which parties engage in issue-based coalitions or diverge in their positions on the decommodifying and defamilialising dimensions of social investment policies. The dissertation takes a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and computational analyses of policy-making processes through political texts.

Publications and Other Projects

(forthcoming) "Who Sits Where? The Member of Parliament Power Index and Committee Membership in 12 Countries", with Jens Wäckerle, Bruno Castanho Silva, and Danielle Pullan.